Monday, November 8, 2010

The Waseda Festival (aka total madness day 2010)

As I mentiond earlier, we had Friday and Saturday off of school this week because it was the Waseda Festival on Saturday and Sunday (Friday was preparation day). I stayed home Saturday because I had a bit of a cold I want to get over before I go on a camping trip this weekend...But I hit up the festival on Sunday and what can I say: TOTAL MADNESS

How the festival worked was basically a whole bunch of performances put on by different clubs, and then a lot of clubs also sold food. The roads got so packed you seriously could not even walk.

We went to go watch my friend Daichi's dance! It was basically Tap, but with Geta (wooden shoes.) It looked like everyone was having so much fun haha. Here are some shots:

Daichi the superstar!

We also saw my friend Rachel's dance, Soran Bushi:
And we also went to see my friend SaeEun's band perform. They are a Jamiroquai cover band, and they were super good!

Other shots of friends and stuff:

Dorothy doesn't even have to do anything to look cute
Carollyn, Daichi, and Kanako
The Niji no Kai (international student club) had a booth that was selling these bread delicious things? I don't even know..but all last month when they were testing cooking of the bread, they would have some of the international students taste it and take photos of them. haha well, we came upon a sign for the booth that had Dorothy's face plastered on the poster! See, totally a model already.
Dorothy says "ughhh" to the photo though haha
Oh and last thing I guess, we were just sitting on this ledge when all these people from the "Bansai Waseda" club came up....I don't know how to explain what kind of club they are. My Japanese friends say they are a club to get people excited about things like at baseball games and stuff? I dunno...they just started doing all this crazy energetic stuff and shouting. It was pretty much awesome

But yeah, overall a very fun thing to do. It was just soooooo crowded. It's starting to wear on me a bit now...
This next weekend though I'm going camping with my friend, Marco's club (White oak...the camping club!). I'm super excited.

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