Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Outfit Post 1

I have a sudden ever growing obsession with tights. Maybe it's because Japan has an abundance of them and a ridiculous amount of adorable socks. Note to all you out there...You need socks? You coming to Japan? You better wait till you get here. Hit up a Soxer and go cray cray. I made the mistake of buying socks before I got you should see my sock drawer- it's insane.
I'm all for comfy outfits.. and this outfit turned out to be super comfy actually! (The excuse I used to use all the time for wearing sweats to school "but it's snugggly" yeah, well turns out dresses can be too?) Plus scarves are the best thing ever when you want to lay your head down and take a lil' power nap on your desk- so conveniently located.
( My hair is finally getting long enough to be naturally curly again! )
Overall this is an example of my girly side coming out...?
...Because after all, I'm fantastic at being a girl.

Photos thanks to Dorothy !

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

What a fantastic student you must be!

At least you're fucking adorable.