Monday, February 7, 2011

Walk, walk fashion baby (image heaaaavy)

I would like to start this post off with a little video to get y'all in the mood:

Thanks to Dorothy, my Saturday night here in Tokyo was spent watching a fashion show put on by the Vantan Design Institute! It was the end of the year show for the grad students to display their work...and it was AMAZING. Oh and did I mention, Dorothy was in it?! She got scouted on the streets of Harajuku to be a model----so me and some friends all got free tickets to the show.  (they were GOOD seats too- for some reason we got to be with the press haha)

I want this jacket...
and I can't tell you how much I wish I had this dress (the photo doesn't do it justice!) 

and I knew this girl too! She is another exchange student going to Waseda this year...
Another really neat part of the fashion show was the costume design segment:

Overall it was so amazing, and I was really glad to be able to go! It pays to be friends with the model ;)

But DOES pay to be friends with Dorothy.
If you guys haven't heard, she recently got the job as Head Photographer for the American Apparel branch in Tokyo (yaaay). This means she gets to do all the photoshoots for Tokyo...(and one of her photos may even land Nylon Magazine soon! @_@ ) Well, I went to help her out with a shoot yesterday and after it was over, Dorothy's boss told me to stop by the office to leave my information.... I HAVE A JOB NOW? I think?!?! If everything works out I would be Dorothy's assistant / assistant photographer here for the Tokyo American Apparel. I AM DREAMING. (The only reason there might be trouble is because I am traveling a lot this spring break)

I hope it does work out though! (This really will turn into the best year I've ever had)


Jessica said...


melodyhana said...

Oh man best post ever. Loooove the fashion show, and congrats on getting an assistant joooob! :D JEalouuuuuuuuS.

Also just saying DUCK LIPS IN THAT LAST PHOTO lol.

Unknown said...

OMG that was amazing. The job would be over the top. Love the blog. love you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! That is fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Both the fashion show and working for American Apparel like that is just.... WOW!!! Congrats!!
(Am following your blog since the start of it, not sure if I ever overcame my lazyness and actually commented before though XD)