Friday, February 4, 2011

Setsubun and Disneyland

Today is "Setsubun" in Japan. Aka, the day before the beginning of spring...aka THE BEAN THROWING FESTIVAL DAY.

Not joking guys.

Host mom: "mikaela....are you in your room"
Me: "yeah, hold on a second"
Host mom: -at my door holding a bowl of soybeans- "Is now a good time?"
Me: "uh."
Host mom then proceeds to open the other door in my room which leads to the porch, and explains to me we have to kick all the demons out of the house by throwing soybeans out the windows and doors.
Me: challenge accepted.

But basically the tradition goes like this (thanks to wikipedia): "Roasted soybeans are thrown either out the door or at a member of the family wearing an Oni (demon or ogre) mask, while the throwers chant "Demons out! Luck in!" (鬼は外! 福は内! Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!)... The beans are thought to symbolically purify the home by driving away the evil spirits that bring misfortune and bad health with them. Then, as part of bringing luck in, it is customary to eat roasted soybeans."


The masks were made and given to us by Kindergartners. Dorothy and I and a group of exchange students went to go help out at one today! It was ridiculously adorable to say the least. We both were ready to bawl from the cuteness by the end. I WISH I COULD POST PICTURES.  BUT I have to get the teacher's approval first or something if I want to do that. Anyway, we played games and sang songs with them and they showed us how to make an origami box, then gave us these masks before we all ran around the school throwing beans all over the place and yelling at demons! WHAT AN AWESOME HOLIDAY.

My Spring Break is going swell so far... I felt a bit sick yesterday which carried over to today...which I blame completely on the teacups from DISNEYLAND.
Me and my friend Elena, from Spain, decided we couldn't wait any longer and HAD to go!
The splash mountain ride is so much better in Tokyo~ You don't feel  like you're going to fly out of the log. (I say that but I'm still screaming my head off in the picture..)

Oh and then it happened...TEACUPS...before:
 I can't tell if I'm crying or laughing at this point....
Kidding. it was really fun! I just get dizzy really easily....always have.
(Btw, Walter if you're reading this...I was inspired by your teacup picture to take my own. Although yours is way superior!) 
Yes...that jumping thing in the corner is me....I spilled popcorn all over the place. (It was Curry Popcorn...we had to buy curry, because the soysauce flavor ran out)


Jessica said...

OMG I want to partake! AND I kinda want to go to Tokyo Disneyland... Who am I kidding? I WANT to go there.

Kelsey said...

I can't tell if I am more jealous of the bean throwing holiday or of Disneyland...

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