Sunday, October 31, 2010

What are 3 luxuries you miss most from from America?

Luxuries??? hmmm... How about just the things I miss from America:

1) Breakfast Burritos: I used to work at my cousin's market and we made the beeeest breakfast burritos there that I crave basically all the time.
2) Bike Lanes: I ride a bike here... Who and the heck thought it would be a good idea to mash people and bikes together on the crowded sidewalks?
3) My friends: I miss people most of all. With being away for a year, I'm missing a lot of experiences with my friends that sometimes I wish I could be a part of.. At least facebook and skype is a nice way to keep in touch and see what is going on. However, on the flip side I'm making a bunch of new friends here and having a bunch of new experiences- when I leave I'm sure I will feel the same thing again...

Overall though, I'm doing fine with the not missing things too much y'know? I really do love Japan...Sometimes it can be hectic and crowded and it's a very expensive place with no trashcans anywhere, and I'm not good at the language yet so it can be confusing, but there's a lot of amazing things about it and I'm having a great time. I didn't think I was going to like living in this big of a city but it's not bad :) Sometimes I do miss Eugene though with its wide open spaces and crunchy fall leaves.

Ask me about Japan!

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