Saturday, September 18, 2010

Host Family

Last Day of Orientation is today! And last night we found out our host families, which means today we get to meet them. I am kind of nervous but I know it will be fine. Everyone told me I got a good host family so we will see. (and they have a dog I guess, YAY) The only thing is I don't think they have internet at their house (which means I would only be able to use the computer at school).

Anyway this is just a short update. I have more pictures to post later of new friends and stuff but we have been so busy. also, right now our brains are just filled to the brim with all this new information and dates of when we have to do things so it's tiring. I will figure it all out though....gotta get my Japanese bank account, register for classes, get a cell phone, go on these school trips, attend welcome ceremonies and welcome parties, turn in more paperwork, apply to be a resident here and get the health insurance etc etc etc.  A whole bunch of stuff basically!! SO I will post again shortly....but it might be a week or so again ne?

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