Friday, January 7, 2011

Broken Power Cord

(On this from my netbook in case any of you are like "but wait- LOL how are you interneting right nao?)

My power adapter on my laptop died two nights ago. This is the THIRD powercord I've been through with my current computer ughghghghwrrryyyy. I ordered a new one today but it won't be here till the 24th (at the latest). 
Why this matters to you guys:  no battery life on my laptop means less blog updates for a bit (I can't edit photos, and now the only available option to blog is in between classes at school- which doesn't give me much time especially with my finals sneaking up). 

But don't be too sad, I have these wonderful (but unedited) gems to share:

First, had a photoshoot with Dorothy today... HAVE to share- I love how they turned out. More photos  will be on her blog in the future. We both agreed (hopefully you will too) that we are getting better at our respective duties in these experimental fashion shoots.

And now for something completely different....

Second. My dog is electric

This picture makes me laugh for DAAAAYS. 
Doesn't she look like Storm or something from X-Men with her blind eyes (quick someone make me a poster!) 

But my host mom just got this new sweater which always makes Rara's ears go cray cray. 

Anyway, everyone please hope my new power cord will get here sooner than later ne! ~ :D 

1 comment:

renae west said...

OMG! I can't wait to meet her :o)