-Ridiculously attractive money belt: Check
-Holy trinity of cameras : Check
-Wristbands of Power...(and by that I mean the kind that will hopefully keep the mosquitoes away): Check
Well it looks like I'm ready to go explore South East Asia for three weeks.
( It's a miracle guys....I managed to only fill my backpacking bag halfway! )
I am leaving tonight for my trip. I get back March 11th. There won't be any more blog posts until then but expect major updates when I get back and a flood of pictures.
Until then. Picture me riding elephants, exploring ancient ruins, and relaxing on beaches that look like this:
Don't be too jeal jeal <3
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The "How to not embarrass yourself too badly" guide
This post is dedicated to my dear friends, Jessica and Stephanie- who are coming to visit me in March. Neither of them know any Japanese (that I am aware of) or much about Japanese culture, so they have asked me: "what do I need to know about Japan before I come so that I will not embarrass myself too badly?"
So that's exactly what this post is...a "How to Not Embarrass Yourself Too Much" sort of guide for any people thinking of traveling here.
Part 1: What Japanese Should I know?
Very basic ( I don't want to get too detailed and scare anyone.. )
Arigatou- Thanks! (You can add Gozaimasu on the end to turn it into 'Thank you very much')
Konnichiwa- Hello (Good Afternoon)
Ohayo - Goodmorning
Ja ne- See ya laters
Gomen nasai- I'm Sorry
Hai- Yes
Iie- No
Sumimasen- Excuse me (You may also hear, Shitsure Shimasu)
Name Desu. Douzo Yoroshiku- My name is Blah...Nice to meet you!
Onegaishimasu - Please (You will also hear, Kudasai)
Oishii - Delicious
Daijobudesu- It's okay / I'm okay
Itadakimasu - What you say before you eat. It has no direct translation...the closest thing is like "I am now humbly accepting this meal." (If you are way pro, you say Gochisosamadeshita after a meal...but that is a long scary word.)
Nihongo Wakarimasen - I don't understand Japanese
Blah wa doko desuka? - Where is blaahh. (For example...Toire wa dokodesuka?...where is the bathroom? or Eki wa dokodesuka? where is the train station? )
Note* you will hear Irreshaimase! a LOT if you go shopping. It means "welcome" for places of business. You don't have to say anything back.
Here's a video I made specially for all y'all on the pronunciation of those words. I hope I was not speaking too fast-Lemme know if you have any questions !
PS. Sorry my computer fan is all loud and sounds like a vacuum. (Hopefully you can understand me)
Part 2: What should I know culturally?
-Dressing Rooms and Trying on Clothes: You will have to take off your shoes before you enter most Dressing Rooms. (A general rule is, if there is carpet there, they don't want you to dirty it with your street shoes). Also, one time I got handed this small cloth bag and was SO confused- like, "what the heck does she want me to do with this?" Well, apparently it's to put over your head, so that you will not smudge your makeup on the clothes. If you get handed the bag just smile and use it if you wish...I am usually pretty good about not rubbin' ma face all over the clothes though.
-Visiting someone's house: Usually you are supposed to bring an "Omiyage" for the person who's house it is. It doesn't have to be big- it's the thought that counts. You aaaalways take off your shoes in the entrance area of a home before walking around the house. Sometimes you will be provided slippers to change into. Don't wear these slippers outside or into the toilet area. At most houses you step out of your normal-slippers and into toilet-room special slippers. But that's another rule. DON'T WEAR THE TOILET SLIPPERS OUT OF THE TOILET ROOM. Sooooo embarrassing and easily forgotten. This doesn't only apply to houses- at some restaurants you take your shoes off and put them in lockers near the entrance....if this is the case, there will be slippers in the bathrooms to wear...don't forget about them and walk out with them on.
-Toilets: There are a lot of buttons on toilets- most of the time accompanied by characters you can't read. Flushers are usually behind the toilet seat or automatic like normal.... Check there before you start guessing with buttons. Occasionally you will get this big silver circle button on the wall that's a flusher...but that is usually accompanied with the English "flush". This may seem so silly to say but one time, a girl I know accidentally pushed an "emergency" button near a toilet and had a guy come rushing into the bathroom asking if she was okay--- embarrassing haha.
-Other bathroom stuff: On occasion (traveling outside Tokyo) you will hit bathrooms which don't provide toilet paper. Wow right? It's nice to keep a small pack of tissue with you just in case this happens. Lots of bathrooms, such as train station bathrooms, won't provide soap and almost all bathrooms don't provide options for drying hands. So if you so wish, it is nice to carry a small towel and even hand sanitizer.
-Trains: This is just general knowledge not even specific to Tokyo but I'm gonna reiterate it anyway: don't stand in the middle of opening train doors when you're getting on or off...move to the side. CMON people.
-Chopsticks: Brush up on your chopstick skills before you come! There are a few things that you should NOT do with chopsticks: sticking them down directly into your white rice and leaving them there- that's a funeral tradition. Scraping them against each other like a maniac to get every little splinter off: considered rude (obviously if there's a big ol' shard hanging off it you should get it off haha).
-Tipping: You don't tip here! Yaaaay. It's rude to do because it's insinuating that the person is not getting paid enough or something.
-Ramen: Loudly slurping your noodles is considered a compliment to the chef. Sometimes in restaurants you will be offered a bib so you don't get your shirt dirty from the broth. Use it if you wish- I've seen Japanese people use it on occasion.
-Hungry?: Convenient stores are very useful for quick snacks, but it is considered unruly to eat and walk at the same time....I do it anyway sometimes haha
-Escalators: Stand on the left if you wish to stand and ride. Go to the right side if you want to walk up. EVERYONE is super good at following this rule- it's nuts.
-Cash versus Cards: Japan is a cash based society. Rarely do people pay for things with their credit cards- quite different from America. Make sure to have withdrawn cash ESPECIALLY for restaurants. You can get away with credit when clothes shopping or shopping in department stores (but most cards charge an international transaction fee anyway- just use cash guys!) :D
-Try Stuff: Be adventurous and try things you might not normally (I'm thinking mainly food). You're in a different culture- experience it!
That's all I can think of for now! Like I said before, ask me if you have any questions or lemme know if you have been to Japan and have a suggestion for my list!
So that's exactly what this post is...a "How to Not Embarrass Yourself Too Much" sort of guide for any people thinking of traveling here.
Part 1: What Japanese Should I know?
Very basic ( I don't want to get too detailed and scare anyone.. )
Arigatou- Thanks! (You can add Gozaimasu on the end to turn it into 'Thank you very much')
Konnichiwa- Hello (Good Afternoon)
Ohayo - Goodmorning
Ja ne- See ya laters
Gomen nasai- I'm Sorry
Hai- Yes
Iie- No
Sumimasen- Excuse me (You may also hear, Shitsure Shimasu)
Name Desu. Douzo Yoroshiku- My name is Blah...Nice to meet you!
Onegaishimasu - Please (You will also hear, Kudasai)
Oishii - Delicious
Daijobudesu- It's okay / I'm okay
Itadakimasu - What you say before you eat. It has no direct translation...the closest thing is like "I am now humbly accepting this meal." (If you are way pro, you say Gochisosamadeshita after a meal...but that is a long scary word.)
Nihongo Wakarimasen - I don't understand Japanese
Blah wa doko desuka? - Where is blaahh. (For example...Toire wa dokodesuka?...where is the bathroom? or Eki wa dokodesuka? where is the train station? )
Note* you will hear Irreshaimase! a LOT if you go shopping. It means "welcome" for places of business. You don't have to say anything back.
Here's a video I made specially for all y'all on the pronunciation of those words. I hope I was not speaking too fast-Lemme know if you have any questions !
PS. Sorry my computer fan is all loud and sounds like a vacuum. (Hopefully you can understand me)
Part 2: What should I know culturally?
-Dressing Rooms and Trying on Clothes: You will have to take off your shoes before you enter most Dressing Rooms. (A general rule is, if there is carpet there, they don't want you to dirty it with your street shoes). Also, one time I got handed this small cloth bag and was SO confused- like, "what the heck does she want me to do with this?" Well, apparently it's to put over your head, so that you will not smudge your makeup on the clothes. If you get handed the bag just smile and use it if you wish...I am usually pretty good about not rubbin' ma face all over the clothes though.
-Visiting someone's house: Usually you are supposed to bring an "Omiyage" for the person who's house it is. It doesn't have to be big- it's the thought that counts. You aaaalways take off your shoes in the entrance area of a home before walking around the house. Sometimes you will be provided slippers to change into. Don't wear these slippers outside or into the toilet area. At most houses you step out of your normal-slippers and into toilet-room special slippers. But that's another rule. DON'T WEAR THE TOILET SLIPPERS OUT OF THE TOILET ROOM. Sooooo embarrassing and easily forgotten. This doesn't only apply to houses- at some restaurants you take your shoes off and put them in lockers near the entrance....if this is the case, there will be slippers in the bathrooms to wear...don't forget about them and walk out with them on.
-Toilets: There are a lot of buttons on toilets- most of the time accompanied by characters you can't read. Flushers are usually behind the toilet seat or automatic like normal.... Check there before you start guessing with buttons. Occasionally you will get this big silver circle button on the wall that's a flusher...but that is usually accompanied with the English "flush". This may seem so silly to say but one time, a girl I know accidentally pushed an "emergency" button near a toilet and had a guy come rushing into the bathroom asking if she was okay--- embarrassing haha.
-Other bathroom stuff: On occasion (traveling outside Tokyo) you will hit bathrooms which don't provide toilet paper. Wow right? It's nice to keep a small pack of tissue with you just in case this happens. Lots of bathrooms, such as train station bathrooms, won't provide soap and almost all bathrooms don't provide options for drying hands. So if you so wish, it is nice to carry a small towel and even hand sanitizer.
-Trains: This is just general knowledge not even specific to Tokyo but I'm gonna reiterate it anyway: don't stand in the middle of opening train doors when you're getting on or off...move to the side. CMON people.
-Chopsticks: Brush up on your chopstick skills before you come! There are a few things that you should NOT do with chopsticks: sticking them down directly into your white rice and leaving them there- that's a funeral tradition. Scraping them against each other like a maniac to get every little splinter off: considered rude (obviously if there's a big ol' shard hanging off it you should get it off haha).
-Tipping: You don't tip here! Yaaaay. It's rude to do because it's insinuating that the person is not getting paid enough or something.
-Ramen: Loudly slurping your noodles is considered a compliment to the chef. Sometimes in restaurants you will be offered a bib so you don't get your shirt dirty from the broth. Use it if you wish- I've seen Japanese people use it on occasion.
-Hungry?: Convenient stores are very useful for quick snacks, but it is considered unruly to eat and walk at the same time....I do it anyway sometimes haha
-Escalators: Stand on the left if you wish to stand and ride. Go to the right side if you want to walk up. EVERYONE is super good at following this rule- it's nuts.
-Cash versus Cards: Japan is a cash based society. Rarely do people pay for things with their credit cards- quite different from America. Make sure to have withdrawn cash ESPECIALLY for restaurants. You can get away with credit when clothes shopping or shopping in department stores (but most cards charge an international transaction fee anyway- just use cash guys!) :D
-Try Stuff: Be adventurous and try things you might not normally (I'm thinking mainly food). You're in a different culture- experience it!
That's all I can think of for now! Like I said before, ask me if you have any questions or lemme know if you have been to Japan and have a suggestion for my list!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
(Late, I know) Valentine's Day in Japan
(Late but hey- I was in Hokkaido sharing my love with Ramen on actual V-day)
Valentine's Day. This holiday brings on so many mixed feelings from people: some love it, some refer to it as single-awareness day, some claim its just corporations wanting you to spend money on cards and chocolate and flowers, and some just don't care.
Well regardless of personal opinions, Japan has a kind of unique way of carrying out this holiday and I thought I might as well report on it. For starters, in Japan on this day, it's only the women who give presents and chocolate to the guys. And there's a lot rules and specifications surrounding it.
For example, there are 3 different kinds of chocolate you can give: Giri Choco, Honmei Choco, and Tomo choco.
-Giri chocolate is "obligatory chocolate"...the chocolate you have to give to guys that are your friends to show your gratitude...but they are only just friends. This is the "no strings attached chocolate".
-Honmei Choco is the chocolate you give to that special someone...the person you are serious about. A lot of times this chocolate is handmade, because it is a sign of being that girls' "only one". After all, why would she spend all this time hand-making 20 boxes of chocolate? (*A side note: the handmade chocolate kits here are ridiculous! I wish I would've taken pictures. I was tempted to buy a kit just for fun)
-Tomo choco is chocolate for your other female friends! I guess according to a few websites, this has been a recent development in the past few years.
You don't give flowers here as gifts...(but since it's only the guys receiving the chocolate...maybe guys don't really like getting flowers anyway? I'm sure some do, but according to my friend Kanako, all the balloon and flower giving is uncommon)....I guess some women give small presents like Neckties to their Honmei Choco guys as well.
So, this is all sounding kind of unfair right?
A lot of people seemed to think so- and from the encouraging of chocolate corporations, in 1978 White Day was created.
White Day comes exactly one month after Valentine's Day: March 14th. It's a day where the guys who have received "giri" or "honmei" choco return the favor and give the girl gifts in return (and usually, it is supposed to be worth more than what the girl spent on him). Cookies, jewelry, white chocolate, lingerie and marshmallows are all popular gifts to give.
I personally didn't celebrate Valentine's Day since I was out and about traveling (and traveling with Americans for that matter)- and it kind of took a lot of stress off. There's a lot of social obligations to this holiday- I mean imagine buying a box of chocolate for every single one of your guy friends! You don't want to offend anyone by not wanting to spend money on them. (And it gets expensive here in Tokyo).
Valentine's is nice if you have that person to share it with, but really you should be grateful to them everyday I think. And not just to boyfriends or girlfriends but all those people you love. :)
Hokkaido Part 2
Hi, I'd like to introduce you all to my new pet. Doesn't have a name yet...but in Japanese is known as Marimo. I guess the english translation would be "Ball Seaweed".
I am crazy for getting this? Maybe. But they are "rare"--- colonies of these algae balls only form in certain lakes in Iceland, Scotland, Japan (Hokkaido), and Estonia. Well, I was in Hokkaido...! And plus, Japan view these as a "national treasure". Also...if I take good care of it apparently all my wishes will come true and it will bring me luck, love and happiness and stuff.
I can't make this up guys. There's a whole festival in Hokkaido in honor of this plant because it's an important part of Ainu culture (the indigenous people of Japan).
(Actually, since I got mine from a souvenier shop at the last second...I doubt it is actually "authentic" marimo- with it being a protected species and all...but it's totes the thought that counts!...yeah?)
This is part 2 out of 2 of my trip to Hokkaido.
I ended last time saying I slept away the day lying under a kotatsu at my friend, Phylicia's apartment. Well the day was finished watching/laughing at crappy Nicolas Cage movies and eating overpriced pizza. Pizza in Japan really deserves a post on its own- You get a tiny tiny excuse for a pizza that will cost you a bajillion dollars....and sometimes it's topped with corn, mayo, and tuna. I'll say it again guys, I can't make this up.
The whole reason we got pizza though, is because of the restaurant down the street called "Strawberry Cones Pizza." Yeap with a name like that you gotta try it.
The next day we all ventured out for Soup Curry round 2 while practicing our best Nicolas Cage impressions.
After that was the "Shiroi Koibito Chocolate Museum". (Shiroi Koibito = white lovers. They are a Hokkaido specialty as well...Kind of like a Milano cookie but with white chocolate in the middle.)
You know Kissington from 10th kingdom...this was totally the place....
Well, Rex and I were kind of confused because for it being a chocolate factory, it also had a lot of random stuff included...such as this motorcycle....
and a gramaphone museum?
and a huge collection of toys including this gem we found:
The last day of Hokkaido, we wanted to hit up the famous Asahiyama Zoo (famous because in the winter when the penguins get too fat, they actually take them on walks through the park 2 times a day.) But after realizing the zoo would be a 100 dollar train ride, we decided to eat Miso Ramen once more and try to find the Ainu Museum (which turned out to be closed). Basically a day of fail, minus the delicious ramen. We walked around a lot and watched them bulldoze the snow festival creations (since the festival had ended the previous day).
Although we flew to Hokkaido, we decided it might be fun to take trains, including the shinkansen (bullet train), home back to Tokyo. I enjoyed the sights
All in all though, I really like Hokkaido. It was nice to get away from Tokyo for a while and expirience some nature. My friends and I agreed that downtown Sapporo kind of reminded us of Portland, Oregon- ( they are sister cities after all!). But, my feet are GLAD to be home. I mean, we did TONS of walking and normally I would be fine...but I somehow managed to injure my Achilles tendon on my right foot and my left foot was being rubbed raw from slipping and sliding all over the place in my boots.
Tomorrow's a pile day for sure
After all...I have to rest up because in 4 days...I leave for Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam with my friend Jamie.
Stole this from her blog: It's our route!
I am crazy for getting this? Maybe. But they are "rare"--- colonies of these algae balls only form in certain lakes in Iceland, Scotland, Japan (Hokkaido), and Estonia. Well, I was in Hokkaido...! And plus, Japan view these as a "national treasure". Also...if I take good care of it apparently all my wishes will come true and it will bring me luck, love and happiness and stuff.
I can't make this up guys. There's a whole festival in Hokkaido in honor of this plant because it's an important part of Ainu culture (the indigenous people of Japan).
(Actually, since I got mine from a souvenier shop at the last second...I doubt it is actually "authentic" marimo- with it being a protected species and all...but it's totes the thought that counts!...yeah?)
This is part 2 out of 2 of my trip to Hokkaido.
I ended last time saying I slept away the day lying under a kotatsu at my friend, Phylicia's apartment. Well the day was finished watching/laughing at crappy Nicolas Cage movies and eating overpriced pizza. Pizza in Japan really deserves a post on its own- You get a tiny tiny excuse for a pizza that will cost you a bajillion dollars....and sometimes it's topped with corn, mayo, and tuna. I'll say it again guys, I can't make this up.
The whole reason we got pizza though, is because of the restaurant down the street called "Strawberry Cones Pizza." Yeap with a name like that you gotta try it.
We included the quarter for size comparison...(ha- like the fact that we even had a quarter lying around?)
"We're gonna kidnap the president of the United States"
"My hair is a bird, your argument is invalid"
(Don't believe it? Just watch Bangkok Dangerous...I dare you)
You know Kissington from 10th kingdom...this was totally the place....
Me and Phylicia...
And Yu-San!
And inside the factory....making the cookies
Well, Rex and I were kind of confused because for it being a chocolate factory, it also had a lot of random stuff included...such as this motorcycle....
and a gramaphone museum?
and a huge collection of toys including this gem we found:
The last day of Hokkaido, we wanted to hit up the famous Asahiyama Zoo (famous because in the winter when the penguins get too fat, they actually take them on walks through the park 2 times a day.) But after realizing the zoo would be a 100 dollar train ride, we decided to eat Miso Ramen once more and try to find the Ainu Museum (which turned out to be closed). Basically a day of fail, minus the delicious ramen. We walked around a lot and watched them bulldoze the snow festival creations (since the festival had ended the previous day).
I dare you not to drool:
Can I just say I will miss ramen SOOO much when I go back home (but I guess that is the price I have to pay if I want to eat Mexican food again...)Although we flew to Hokkaido, we decided it might be fun to take trains, including the shinkansen (bullet train), home back to Tokyo. I enjoyed the sights
All in all though, I really like Hokkaido. It was nice to get away from Tokyo for a while and expirience some nature. My friends and I agreed that downtown Sapporo kind of reminded us of Portland, Oregon- ( they are sister cities after all!). But, my feet are GLAD to be home. I mean, we did TONS of walking and normally I would be fine...but I somehow managed to injure my Achilles tendon on my right foot and my left foot was being rubbed raw from slipping and sliding all over the place in my boots.
Tomorrow's a pile day for sure
After all...I have to rest up because in 4 days...I leave for Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam with my friend Jamie.
Stole this from her blog: It's our route!
We'll be backpacking around till March 11th.
I'm SO excited. My blog headline of "My life in Japan" will have to temporarily switch to "my life in Japan when I have a 2 month spring break and decide to travel forever".
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Hokkaido Part 1
Sapporo, Hokkaido.
Such a nice break from Tokyo.
My friend and I checked into our hotel Wednesday night...sadly, what I thought were a picture of Alpacas in the lobby on the website turned out to be horses...
The next day we headed to Odori Park- one of the main sights of the snow festival. There's a bunch of snow and ice sculptures of buildings (some HUUUGE), different characters and people, and scenes. There was also a sculpture from Portland, Oregon- since it's sister cities with Sapporo.
The Sapporo TV tower (yes the time is 5:42...and yes it's already super dark! It gets dark so early here)
We also hit up this building, the tallest in Sapporo, to view the city.
...Decisions, decisions.....
My two travel buddies also from Oregon: Rex and Davoods
Sooo good. There was also a Pokemon Center and Hello Kitty store in the mall.
"so supah kawaii!!!!!!!"
"Rex, be a super excited school girl"
SO delicious!
Also very delicious...(Sapporo Classic! Only available in Hokkaido. Hate to say it though....it's got nothin on Pacific Northwest beer)
We had a 'Nomihodai' AKA as much as you can drink in 90 minutes. Needless to say, after about 10 beers each we were feelin preeetttaaaayy crazy.
I even made new friends outside- (we switched hats).
Pictures from around the beer museum:
Needless to say, Day 4 in Hokkaido was spent sleepin in till noon and going to a friends house to nap under the kotatsu forever.
Capibara~saaan |
Here's a picture of one from another website...
3 more days left of my trip here!
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